Monday, October 1, 2007

Suggested Reading and my apologies for not being regular with my posts....

Hello everybody!!!!

Hope this post finds you all in fine cheers.... I am good too and am enjoying the last few weeks of my vacation in India :).Firstly, I am really sorry that I haven't been regular with my posts and haven't even been able to reply to all your comments. Things have kept me quite bz out here....I'm sure you understand :). Will get to it as soon as possible!

Secondly... Couple of weeks back,Naveen introduced me to a site called 'zenhabits', owned by Leo Babauta. The site is all about achieving goals, productivity, motivation, happiness, success etc.I enjoyed reading the posts and felt it would be useful to many of you out there. I am even gonna add it to the 'Sites I usually visit' section of my blog. Hope you like it too. Take care n Happy reading!!!! :)